‘Superfood’ is the term that we hear very often these days. So what is a superfood? There is no fixed criteria to define what is a superfood and what is not. According to Oxford dictionary ‘superfood is a nutrient-rich food considered to be especially beneficial for health and well-being’. They are mostly plant based, and occasionally some fish and dairy. They are packed with vitamins, minerals, antioxidants and other nutrients that are good for a person’s health.

Some examples of superfoods
It looks like the term ‘superfood’ isn’t going anywhere anytime soon. So let us take a closer look at some healthy food options.
Avocado:Â Avocado is a nutrient rich fruit. It is rich in Vitamins B, C and E, many minerals, fibre, and healthy fats. But avocados will surely burn a hole in your pocket with their high price. Other fruits such as pomegranate, apple, banana, kiwi are all nutrient dense.
Kale is rich in vitamins, minerals and phytonutrients. In fact all the dark leafy greens are nutrient dense. They include spinach, turnip greens, and lettuce. In India amaranth greens (chaulai) are also consumed, and are very nutritious.
Turmeric has been consumed in India since time immemorial. This ancient spice from ginger family has a compound ‘curcumin’. It is an antioxidant and has anti inflammatory property. Recent studies suggest that curcumin helps in fighting cancer.
Green tea has many health benefits. It has been used for its medicinal properties in China since a long time. It is rich in antioxidants and polyphenolic compounds. Some researchers suggest that they help in weight loss. But for that, green tea should be consumed without sugar.
Berries such as blueberries, strawberries, and raspberries are powerhouse of antioxidants, vitamins, minerals, and fiber. In India, mulberry (shahtoot), gooseberry (amla), grapes, and strawberries are grown and they all have many health benefits.
Hype about Superfood
Consuming nutritive food is certainly a good idea. For those looking to improve their health, this idea is very appealing. People may assume that these foods have some magic properties and by consuming them, they will achieve good health and get rid of diseases. But unfortunately the tag of ‘superfood’ is just a marketing gimmick to influence food trends and sell products.
It is often claimed that they have super powers. There are claims that eating kale can cure cancer, or drinking green tea helps in weight reduction. But the problem is there is very little scientific evidence to support these claims. If we take a closer look at the studies that are flaunted these days, we often find that the size of study is very small. Or maybe it was tested for a very short duration. Sometimes it was not tested on humans at all. On few occasions a very concentrated amount of superfood extract was given to the people, that is not naturally found in the superfood. All this makes these claims by the industry very questionable. In fact, due to these misleading claims, ‘superfood’Â label was banned in EU in 2007 unless these claims could be proved.
Superfood industry is now a billion dollar industry and is still growing. But nutritionists warn against this fad. Though the superfoods are rich in nutrients and consuming them will benefit a person, the problem is that labeling them this way may entice people to eat only those foods that are hyped. Consumers consider these foods to be superior to other food items.
In the nutshell: focus on variety of healthy food and not just superfood
Superfoods are very nutritious, and thus good for health. But we should not just focus on foods labelled as ‘superfoods’ and become blind to other nutritious foods. It is very important to have variety in our diet. Eating an array of fruits, vegetables and legumes gives us all the necessary nutrients. Kale, avocado, quinoa, all are very nutritious and we should eat them. But the bottom line is that we should not neglect other nutritious foods that are not hyped. No single food can provide all the nutrients that our body needs. We should eat food from all of the food groups – fruits, vegetables, legumes such as beans and pulses, whole grain, dairy, and fish.
It is a good idea to eat seasonal food items that are grown locally. They are fresh and not subjected to various preservation processes. It makes economic sense too as they are cheaper.
In India many healthy seeds and traditional food items are eaten. You may like to read about healthy seeds that can be eaten during Navratri fast.
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Featured image credit Alementos Saudaveis a Mesa by Olearis taken from Flickr